Apr 03
Project Management
Apr 05
Specifications & Real In The World
Apr 10
Irene Au on Design Principles
Assignment due: Project Planning
Apr 12
Design Systems
Assignment due: Skill Build Selections
Apr 17
Revenue Modeling
Apr 19
America Bliss on Brand
Assignment due: Specifications
Apr 24
Go To Market Strategy
Skill Build Check In
Apr 26
Nikhil Arora on Entrepreneurship
May 01
All Class Design Review
Midterm presentations
May 03
All Class Design Review
May 08
Sequel Building a Business
Go To Market First Draft
May 10
Pat Christian on Social Impact
May 15
Steve Johnson on Leadership & UX
Go To Market final draft
May 17
Jony Ive on Good Design
May 22
May 24
May 29
May 31
Final Trade Show
Jun 05
Post-flight & Celebrate 🥳
Skill Build
Spring Timeline
Project Management
Specifications & Real In The World
Irene Au on Design Principles
Learning Goals
Develop foundational project management skills by identifying tasks, resources, and timelines.
Analyze project goals within the 10-week constraint of the Spring quarter to establish achievable outcomes.
Grading Criteria
Completeness of submission
Demonstration of robust planning relative to project goals.
Build a detailed project plan that will set you up for success to get to make a product real in the world by the end of the spring quarter.
Start with a to-do list, turn in to tasks, establish milestones and use TeamGantt to create a project plan.
Minimum requirements include:
Three groups
Three subgroups
Ten tasks
Three milestones (in addition to class assignments) - Dependencies
Task resource assignment
Please include the following class assignments as milestones in the project plan:
Specifications Due Tuesday 4/8
BOM & RFQ Due Thursday 4/15
All Class Design Review Presentation Due 4/27
Go-To-Market Strategy (draft) Due 4/29
Got-To-Market Strategy (final) Due 5/6
Marketing Implementation Due 5/25
Final Presentations Due 5/27
Note: This is a Team Assignment (one project plan per team). Your team won't be held to this project plan. It's just a temporary stake in the ground.
Learning Objectives
Picking one skill that you'd like to go deeper on, and demonstrating mastery of that skill. The result will be an artifact that you can put on your resume and in your portfolio.
Grading Criteria
Completing the Skill Build as defined here.
Advanced or Going Beyond - fully documenting the skill build, developing a deeper engagement with the skill and demonstrating advanced skills (individually, different for each skill).
For this assignment, please pick a tangible design skill from the list below ⬇️ and provide a description. If appropriate, please include milestones and what final deliverable would look like.
🔧 Industrial Design
🖱 UX Wireframe
🖥 Website Build
🤔 Build Your Own
You are encouraged to use this assignment to further your team project
It is OK if your Skill Build complements your team project but is not on the critical path to success.
It is also OK if you use the Skill Build to do something totally unrelated to your project because your project doesn't lend itself to a skill you want to develop but, this will likely mean more total time spent on the class.
Design Systems
Business Factors
Learning Objectives
Picking one skill that you'd like to go deeper on, and demonstrating mastery of that skill. The result will be an artifact that you can put on your resume and in your portfolio.
Grading Criteria
Completing the Skill Build as defined here.
Advanced or Going Beyond - fully documenting the skill build, developing a deeper engagement with the skill and demonstrating advanced skills (individually, different for each skill).
For this assignment, please pick a tangible design skill from the list below ⬇️ and provide a description. If appropriate, please include milestones and what final deliverable would look like.
🔧 Industrial Design
🖱 UX Wireframe
🖥 Website Build
🤔 Build Your Own
You are encouraged to use this assignment to further your team project
It is OK if your Skill Build complements your team project but is not on the critical path to success.
It is also OK if you use the Skill Build to do something totally unrelated to your project because your project doesn't lend itself to a skill you want to develop but, this will likely mean more total time spent on the class.
America Bliss on Brand
Go To Market Strategy
Learning Objectives
Picking one skill that you'd like to go deeper on, and demonstrating mastery of that skill. The result will be an artifact that you can put on your resume and in your portfolio.
Grading Criteria
Completing the Skill Build as defined here.
Advanced or Going Beyond - fully documenting the skill build, developing a deeper engagement with the skill and demonstrating advanced skills (individually, different for each skill).
For this assignment, please pick a tangible design skill from the list below ⬇️ and provide a description. If appropriate, please include milestones and what final deliverable would look like.
🔧 Industrial Design
🖱 UX Wireframe
🖥 Website Build
🤔 Build Your Own
You are encouraged to use this assignment to further your team project
It is OK if your Skill Build complements your team project but is not on the critical path to success.
It is also OK if you use the Skill Build to do something totally unrelated to your project because your project doesn't lend itself to a skill you want to develop but, this will likely mean more total time spent on the class.
Systems Thinking
MAY 01
All Class Design Review
MAY 03
All Class Design Review
Learning Objectives
Picking one skill that you'd like to go deeper on, and demonstrating mastery of that skill. The result will be an artifact that you can put on your resume and in your portfolio.
Grading Criteria
Completing the Skill Build as defined here.
Advanced or Going Beyond - fully documenting the skill build, developing a deeper engagement with the skill and demonstrating advanced skills (individually, different for each skill).
For this assignment, please pick a tangible design skill from the list below ⬇️ and provide a description. If appropriate, please include milestones and what final deliverable would look like.
🔧 Industrial Design
🖱 UX Wireframe
🖥 Website Build
🤔 Build Your Own
You are encouraged to use this assignment to further your team project
It is OK if your Skill Build complements your team project but is not on the critical path to success.
It is also OK if you use the Skill Build to do something totally unrelated to your project because your project doesn't lend itself to a skill you want to develop but, this will likely mean more total time spent on the class.
MAY 08
Guest Lecturer
Learning Objectives
Picking one skill that you'd like to go deeper on, and demonstrating mastery of that skill. The result will be an artifact that you can put on your resume and in your portfolio.
Grading Criteria
Completing the Skill Build as defined here.
Advanced or Going Beyond - fully documenting the skill build, developing a deeper engagement with the skill and demonstrating advanced skills (individually, different for each skill).
For this assignment, please pick a tangible design skill from the list below ⬇️ and provide a description. If appropriate, please include milestones and what final deliverable would look like.
🔧 Industrial Design
🖱 UX Wireframe
🖥 Website Build
🤔 Build Your Own
You are encouraged to use this assignment to further your team project
It is OK if your Skill Build complements your team project but is not on the critical path to success.
It is also OK if you use the Skill Build to do something totally unrelated to your project because your project doesn't lend itself to a skill you want to develop but, this will likely mean more total time spent on the class.